I don't know a lot about politics and it is for that reason that I have created this blog. I think there are a lot of people like me out there. We're busy with work or school or family or whatever it may be and we want to be responsible citizens, but we don't always know how. We vote, but don't know much about the candidates. We have opinions that don't seem to be shared by our representatives. And, we have hopes and visions for our society, but we're not sure what to do with them.
I live in Ford County, Illinois. By sharing my thoughts, my hope is that someday Ford County--and someday after that, Illinois, the United States, and the World--will be primarily governed by the people and that the people will primarily govern themselves. That the people will know who has been chosen to represent us. That the opinions of our representatives will reflect our own. And that we will know what to do with our hopes and visions for our society.
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